Dubbel Dutch @ Friday Night Vibe (June 17th)!

go to site Friday, June 17th! [Click the flyer for the FB event page!] THE SOUNDS OF DUBBEL DUTCH! Location/Details: Mainstage 2016 Main St. [Midtown] Houston, TX 77002 www.2016mainstage.com Drink specials: $4 wells $4 domestics $6 Gritsicles $150 Bottles: Grey Goose, Skyy, Ciroc, Ciroc Berry, Jack Daniels, Crown, Jagermeister, Stoli Blueberry, Stoli Raspberry, Absolut, Absolut Citron & Absolut Mandrin. 21+/ $5 or FREE w/ Gritsy 5th tik! 18+ / $10... Read More



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